Custom Website Development: What Is It? | TheCustomWebsites

 Building websites and apps for the internet or a private intranet network is referred to as Custom Website Development.

The design of a website is unrelated to web development; rather, it focuses on the coding and programming that underpin the website's operation.

All of the online tools we use on a daily basis, from the most basic static web pages to social media platforms and applications, e-commerce websites to content management systems (CMS), have been created by developers.

Check out our outline of web development if you want to learn more.

Software Engineering Vs Custom Website Development

The terminology and buzzwords, especially those for the position itself, provide a barrier to people interested in learning how to become a web developer. Software engineers, web developers, and software developers are all titles that individuals use to describe themselves. Do they differ significantly from one another?

Although web developers often focus on internet-based technologies and software engineers on operating systems, the truth is a little bit different. Which name is used might vary depending on the region, industry, and firm as both positions share programming languages and technology.

This graph from Google Ngram Viewer shows the progression in these terms' popularity as they have appeared in books to give you a general idea of the shifting popularity of these terms:

longdesc="A graph showing the popularity of the terms web developer, software engineer, and software developer since 1980. In the graph, the term software developer was initially the most popular, peaking around the year 2000, but since then it declined and software engineer is the most popular, with web developer always in last place."

Google Ngram Viewer as a source

We've produced a comprehensive reference on the similarities between web developers and software engineers if you're interested in seeing more graphs illustrating how these titles are used differently.

The fact that Custom Website Development and software engineering boot camps frequently teach you the same programming languages and frameworks is crucial for the time being. When you graduate and are looking for a career, keep in mind to scan each job description's technology requirements rather than just the title to determine whether your skills match those listed.

Web Development Styles

Client-side code (also known as frontend), server-side coding (sometimes known as backend), and database technology are the three layers that makeup Custom Website Development.

Let's examine each of these levels more closely.


Everything that the end user directly interacts with is referred to as client-side scripting, also known as front-end development. Client-side code is run in a web browser and directly affects what website visitors view. The front end is what controls things like layout, fonts, colors, menus, and contact forms.


Backend development, often known as server-side programming, is all about what happens in the background.

A website's backend is essentially the portion that users never see. It is in charge of maintaining data organization and storage as well as client-side functionality. In order to accomplish this, it speaks with the front end.

The browser sends a request to the server side whenever something occurs on the client-side, such as when a user fills out a form. The frontend code from the server side "responds" with pertinent data, which the browser may then understand and display.

Database Engineering

Database technology is also used by websites. All the files and material required for a website to run are stored in the database in a form that makes it simple to access, organize, modify, and save. Most websites normally utilize some kind of relational database management system, and the database operates on a server (RDBMS).

To put it simply, the front, backend, and database technologies all interact to create and maintain a fully working website or application, and these three layers together make up the core of Custom Website Development.

Read For More Information: Why You Should Develop Custom Web Instead of Using A CMS


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